
Events for 2024

Gå-Pænt Workshop


Er du træt af, at din hund trækker armen af dig? Eller vil du bare gerne lige have det sidste med for at det hele spiller Max?

 Så er denne workshop er noget for dig.

 Du vil få en baggrundsviden, hvorfor din hund gør, som den gør,

vi vil komme rundt om hele det at trække, og hvad vi kan gøre ved det og så vil vi øve os 😊


Pladser med hund: 6 Pladser.

Observatør: 5 pladser


Dato: Mandag d. 20.05.24

Tid: kl. 10.00 – 12.00(måske til 12.30)

Pris med hund: 700 kr.

Observatør: 300 kr.

Sted: Snudens Verden

Instruktør: Diana


Betaling skal ske ved tilmelding og det skal ske til:

Mail: info@snudensverden.dk

Kontonr: 6855 0001044941 "skriv gå pænt /navn"

2 dags Handler Kursus

med den Internationale dommer Antoan Hlebarov fra Bulgarien.


Hos Snudens Verden, 7080 Børkop

Dato: 31 aug - 01 sep 2024

Antal deltager med hund: 18 pladser

Observatør pladser: 10 pladser


Kurset foregår på engelsk


Vi gentager succesen, så Snudens Verden har igen inviteret den Internationale Dommer Antoan Hlebarov fra Bulgarien, til at komme og afholde hans fantastisk spændende og populære Handler seminar. Antoan har været i Denmark i 2020 og afholde DKK’s Junior Handler week. for Danmarks top 20 Junior Handlere, og Antoan har været her hos Snudens Verden et par gange med stor Succes. 


Antoan er kendt i den store verden for sine Handler og Juniorhandler workshops og arbejder til dagligt med undervisning i Handling både fysisk, men også med online kurser, hvor folk fra hele verden deltager. Han har i sine 25 år, utallige bedømmelser og kurser bag sig, og rejser rundt i hele verden for at dømme på udstillinger og ikke mindst afholde sit populære handler workshop.


Præsentation af Anton:

Let me introduce myself - Antoan Hlebarov, International Judge of Bulgarian Kennel Club BRFK and FCI for all breeds. I have judged dog shows in more than 55 countries all over the world, spread out on 5 continents. Many times, I judged Junior and Senior Handling competitions incl. the finals of Golden Lead All Age Handling competition in Liege, Belgium.


I have taught dog handling for more than 25 years. I have my own school for junior handlers in Sofia and have conducted practical seminars in more than 20 countries all over the world, including Germany, Austria, Australia, Canada, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Japan and others. Every summer during the last 5 years I was invited to be a lecturer and trainer in the International Junior Handlers Summer camp organized by Austrian Junior Handling club. This year I was invited to a training weekend in Denmark to work with their Top 20 handlers in preparation for the Nordic Cip.


I have done online training in handling students from Russia, Egypt, Canada, Chile, Italy, Nigeria, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia and other countries, as well as from Bulgaria, in the last 5 years.


Some of my online students have achieved tremendous success at international competitions like Dracula Dog Show, Split 4 nights Show, Russia, Eurasia, Euro and World Dog Shows. Every year many of my students represent their countries at the final of International Junior Handling competition at Crufts – 8 of them at the finals of 2019.


You can find more information about my background in the photo albums in my Facebook profile.


With best personal regards,

Antoine Hlebarov




Programmet for de to dage:

Begge dage: Kl. 10.00 – 16.00 og kurset bliver afholdt udenfor og undervisning i undervisnings lokalet.



  1. Basics requirements for a handler
  2. The new FCI ring showing regulations.
  3. 4 basic handling principles
  4. Handler’s dress and behavior code
  5. Working the accessories
  6. Basic handling knowledge and skills
  7. Hands-on and free style dog stacking
  8. Dog and handler movement in the show ring
  9. Contemporary handling tendencies – as per the ring experts
  • Show dog psychological and physical preparation
  1. Dog fitness basics
  • Clicker training basics
  • Dog handler psychological and physical preparation
  • Dog handler’s body language and non-verbal communication with the dog
  • Handler’s artistry and professionalism
  • Best in Show competition participation
  • Handler’s behavior from show entrance to show exit
  • Methods of psychological influence on judges and competition
  • Handler’s winning ethics
  • How to make a show and be a ring star




Sted: Snudens Verden, Hagenvej 101, 7080 Børkop.

Prisen for begge dage:         1700 kr.

Observatørplads:                  350 kr. pr. dag.


Betaling skal ske ved tilmelding.


Tilmelding er økonomisk bindende, medmindre Kurset bliver aflyst pga. corona. Det kræver mindst 10 tilmeldinger med hund, før kurset bliver afholdt.


Instruktør Diana

Snudens Verden

Tlf.: 40 45 14 74

Mail: info@snudensverden.dk

MobilPay: 881100

Konto nr.: 6855 0001044941


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